1. Individual Hand Sanitizer
2. Breeches or Jeans
Tight fitting pants are best as loose fabric may chafe.
3. Cold Bottle of Water
4. Sack Lunch (we eat 3x during the day)
Morning Snack
Afternoon Snack
5. Change to Buy Cold Drinks (optional)
$2 for bottled water
$3 for Gatorade
6. Sunscreen
7. On Thursdays
Change of clothes for water play
Beach Towel
8. Riding Boots
All campers are required to have their own riding boots.
Campers may wear paddock boots
or cowboy boots.
No other type of boots are allowed for riding.
No construction boots
No steel toed boots
No rain boots
9. Tennis shoes (optional)
Tennis shoes to wear during non-riding activities such as crafts.
Riding boots must be worn in the barn and around horses at all times, even when
campers are not riding.
10. Helmet (optional)
An approved ASTM/SEI Certified
horseback riding helmet.
No other types of helmets are approved
for riding.
Helmets will be loaned to campers who do
not bring their own.
You may purchase boots and helmets at​